Thursday, February 20, 2020

Goals with Gore!

I've always enjoyed being immersed, and involved with the horror community. It enables me to meet and make interesting friends, and stay updated on new amazing movies, art, and events relating to it.

So I am working on getting more involved in social media communities, blogging more, and watching more movies at people's recommendations to discover possible gems I've missed.

I right now get involved as much as I can, and will work on having more funds soon to do things with getting movies even though i can digitally get them cheaper.

Awesome as this little man is he takes up not only my time, but also any extra funds I usually get.

I'm not begging for the help, but I'm hoping that if possible by putting this out there I can maybe build my horror movie collection faster:

Also feel free to email me at
With horror movie recommendations! I'm always looking for new movies to check into! I'm also totally down depending on topics to join in conversations with vloggers, or horror podcasts about movies.

(SPOILERS)Home Movies & Murders: Sinister thoughts.

I chose to start my reviews with the movie Sinister because honestly in the last ten years the Bughuul a.k.a "Mr. Boogey" character has been one of my favorite icons to grace the screen.

Keep in mind if reading this I've never reviewed, or given detailed opinion on a movie like this so bare with me, and please feel free to leave comment here, or my Twitter(@TweetExorcism)

Sinister is by far one of the most interesting plots I've ever seen unfold in a horror movie. This probably being in part that while I'm an incredibly huge horror fanatic I am also a morbidly avid fan of true crime novels as well.

The plot alone at first glance looks like you're in for a ride seeing the ever amazing Ethan Hawke portraying an investigative true crime author jonesing for a fix of fame his first book brought him leads him to follow a rabbit hole of murder when finding home movies with twisted, and horrible family murders relating to the one he's now writing about.

The movie starts out with seeing the family murder that brings Hawke's character, and subsequently his family too into the house of the victims for him to work on a new novel investigating the crime. Unwelcomed by the local sheriff, and marital rift from two recent novels not going his way putting him in a slump has overextending himself to make this new book the best one yet.

Upon moving in, and setting everything up he finds a box of super 8 films, and projector hidden under the floorboards in the attic each cutely titled, but horribly themed detailing other massacres of entire families where a child went missing. Further investigating into these show something truly morbid as he finds a figure who appears in every movie he finds.

Thinking it's the killer he soon finds out he is something truly worse than he was expecting. 

I personally loved how this looked like at first glance just a realistic psychological thriller, and slowly transitioned into something paranormal in the reality of it. I loved the characters, and the icon made as the story progresses.

The change from real, to paranormal haunting I thought was done quite well. The acting despite commentary I thought was great though I think the sheriff(Fred Thompson) was overdone giving such a great actor such little actual screen time.

Overall I personally think out of most of the movies to hit the horror genre in the last ten years Sinister definitely warrants the watch, and praise in comparison to other titles shoveled into our cinemas.